Investing with a gender lens and targeting women as clients and employees leads to stronger institutions, better returns and a more equitable world. Women’s economic empowerment is essential for a world without inequalities as well as a vital part of sustainable economic development and growth. No economic development is sustainable if it leaves out the needs and potential of half of the world population.
Gender lens investing is not only about pursuing gender equality as a social good for its own sake; it is also a strategy for financial outperformance and sustainable economic growth. Women represent an outsized share of the unbanked people in the world and an untapped market opportunity for financial institutions.
In this Infopoint, Women’s World Banking leverages its expertise to showcase the financial and social returns of gender lens investing and examples of the use of innovative finance to improve gender equality.
Presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Marjeta Jager
Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development
Elisabeth Ballreich
Principal Investment Officer and Operations Manager, Women’s World Banking Asset Management
Yrenilsa Lopez
Portfolio Manager and Principal Investment Officer, Women’s World Banking Asset Management
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